Tag Archives: commander in chief

The United States and The Kingdom of God…

Vote May 6I did it!  I went and cast my vote this morning.  I hope you do as well.

As sense of excitement comes over me as I sit here thinking about it.  Not so much about the candidates I picked but the process I get to be a part of.  My one vote, as small a contribution as it may be, is a part of a greater whole.  It’s not an insignificant part.  As a matter of fact it’s a necessary part.

Casting my vote made me a part of something bigger than myself.  I believe we all have a longing to be a part of something greater – a sense of belonging – a necessary part.  We hope our part makes a difference.  As it pertains to the outcome of our election and who becomes our next Commander in Chief, I hope my part makes a difference.   After all it affects my life.

The best vote I cast was 22 years ago.  There were only two candidates up for election – Jesus and me.  I cast my vote with Jesus and things have never been the same since.  He has radically changed my life.  No one could be a better Commander in Chief.  He turned my life from a kingdom of darkness to a kingdom of light.  My future changed from death and destruction to life and peace.

That one vote brought a sense of belonging to something so much bigger than myself.  I became a part of the Kingdom of God and a part of God’s family – a significant part, a necessary part.

Have you cast your vote yet?  There are really only two choices.  Choose wisely, it will affect everything.